Accelerate HSS Asia HPSR


Session Groups

Support the development of identified tools and products, and provide a means for learning and sharing


May 27, 2021:

Session 1

Session 1 consisted of a panel discussion focusing on the following question: What challenges are HPSRIs and governments facing in the areas of HPSR and what specific needs do they have to strengthen the generation the generation and translation of HSS evidence into practice?


June 8, 2021:

Session 2

Session 2 focused on how existing learning platforms, networks, 
and/or leading regional institutes can respond to the needs of HSPRIs and government actors discussed in the first sessions.


June 15, 2021:

Session 3

Session 3 consisted of two parts. The first part will synthesize existing evidence on opportunities for learning platforms/programs 
to meet HPSRI and country needs. The second part will introduce participants to the principles of co-creation and development of a shared vision.


June 22/24/29, 2021:

Session 4-6

Sessions 4-6 used the content generated in the first three sessions 
to advance the shared vision and co-create collaboration models and action plans to realize that vision.

The goal of this event is to engage HPSRIs and learning platforms in dialogue to identify what types of institutions and functions are needed at the country, regional, and global levels to support policymakers and implementers to design and advance evidence-informed health policies.

Facilitator Team

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Our team is compiled of a diverse group of experts that drive innovation, and applies new perspectives on integrated health systems strengthening.

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