Accelerate HSS Asia HPSR

Improving the ecosystem for health policy and system research.

A co-creation series for health systems 
strengthening in Asia.

As countries implement health sector reforms to advance towards universal health coverage, recognition of and demand for the essential role of health policy and systems research (HPSRS) in health systems strengthening (HSS) formulation and implementation is growing. Increasing evidence-translation capacity among health policy and systems research institutions (HPSRIs) and strengthening linkages between researchers and decision makers can improve decision making for HSS.


The Accelerator supported HPSRIs, learning platforms, training programs, and other stakeholders engaged in h a co-creation process to establish a shared vision for a stronger HPSR ecosystem and develop and implement action plans to carry out that vision. Collectively, they identified demand for strengthening HPSR, developed tools and training programs in response to these gaps and opportunities, and identified opportunities for further collaboration and integration within the wider HPSR ecosystem.

 Explore our website to learn more.

Recent Co-creation Pilot Implementation Highlights

On October 25th 2023, Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions (HPSRIs) from six countries – India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, South Korea, and Sri Lanka – shared lessons, highlights, and lowlights from their pilot efforts to map and strengthen HPSRI capacity, coordinate and enhance training, and increase understanding of domestic HPSR funding streams. The pilots were awarded catalytic funding support from the Accelerator and the USAID Asia Bureau as part of efforts to develop and test demand-driven models that facilitate more sustainable policy engagement models and ensure that HPSRIs that can better respond to country demand and needs.



HPSRIs from six countries – India, Indonesia, Nepal, the Philippines, South Korea, and Sri Lanka – implemented activities that aimed to map and strengthen HSPRI capacity, coordinate and enhance training, and increase understanding of domestic HPSR funding streams.

Learn more about pilot achievements→ 

Action Groups

Actions Group

The Accelerator launched action groups steered by the series’ participants, to support the development of identified tools and products, and provide a means for learning and sharing across these action groups. They co-develop actionable ideas to advance the shared vision. Join the co-creation community Google Group → .

Co-Creation & Convenings


The Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator (aka the Accelerator) launched a series of convenings in May through June in 2021 to help HPSRIs and other stakeholders identify a common vision and generate actionable ideas to improve access to resources and training needed to effectively support the generation, translation, and use of evidence in policy and implementation.

Convenings → Learn more convenings
Resources → Access the vision, action plans, and other materials



Generate HSS Evidence


Analyze Data 
and Diagnose Problems


Formulate Solutions


Manage Adoption of Solutions


Operationalize and Implement Change

The co-creation process has been informed by a landscaping analysis conducted by the Accelerator. 
The analysis included interviews with eight HPSRIs selected to represent the diversity of HPSRI organizational types, funding models, experiences, and perspectives. Read more →.