Accelerate HSS Asia HPSR


Action Groups

Support the development of identified tools and products, and provide a means for learning and sharing.


Action Group 1:

Secondments or exchanges between HPSRIs and policymakers

Structured and time-bound two-way exchanges aimed at strengthening communication channels between HPSRIs and policymakers and increasing understanding of, demand for, and use of HPSR, as well as potential domestic resourcing. Focus on a real-time policy issue will be central, with a preference for exploring agreements between institutions over individual placements for sustainability and potential for impact.


Action Group 2:

Implementation research (IR) partnerships between government and HPSRIs

Facilitation and Piloting of implementation research co-led by Ministry staff and HPSRIs, addressing the cyclical nature of the knowledge to action cycle. A potential option for this is a shared research project with self-assessment or learning components built-in.


Action Group 3:

Networks/forum of HPSRIs, policymakers, and other stakeholders

A domestic HPSRI network or regional forum that provides a safe space to learn, share research, address barriers, and act collectively. These fora will be be multidisciplinary and engage other stakeholders like civil society organizations and policymakers while recognizing the balancing act therein. Enhanced linkages between HPSRIs and policymakers could be measures of success, such as greater involvement by policymakers in the evidence production and knowledge creation process, and of HPSRIs. Currently existing networks and fora should be leveraged or engaged.


Action Group 4:

Training plus (with long-term collaboration + mentorship) involving HPSRIs and policymakers

Focus on enhancing the design and conceptualization of training programs with a greater emphasis on design, sustainability and institutionalization of programs. While trainings might focus on concrete issues, long-term support could be facilitated through mentorship, capacity sharing or learning activities. Opportunities exist to build on current offerings or expanding their target audiences, as well as explore cost-effectiveness and scalability questions.


Action Group 5:

Enhanced models of research agenda-setting (e.g., Co-creation)

Better processes for agenda-setting could support the overall vision. This action group will carry forward discussions started during the 1st convenings, focusing on how to effectively engage communities and end-users, navigate in fragile states or during times of crisis, and continue to build capacity broadly for agenda-setting activities.


Action Group 6:

Co-Developed Products and Tools

Participants identified concrete tools and resources that could strengthen the ecosystem, including a framework to assess HPSR domestic funding sources and opportunities. Three subgroups, led by the Accelerator, will work to design and finalize the following tools:
1. A framework to assess HPSR domestic funding sources and opportunities.
2. A catalogue of HPSR ecosystem measurement and evaluation tools. Do you have a relevant M&E tool? Fill out the survey here →
3. Learning platform and training program database.

Explore Action Group Activities

Access meeting recordings, notes, and summaries for each group in the folders below.

Co-creation and Participation Snapshot →

Implementation Research Partnerships →

Networks/Forums →

Training Plus →

Enhances Models of Research Agenda-setting →

Domestic funding framework →

HPSR/Training Programs Database →

M&E Tools Catalogue →

Co-creation Action Group Kick-off →

Shared Vision

Explore more of our Activities section