Accelerate HSS Asia HPSR


Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator at CUGH2024

Join us on March 9th in the Santa Barbara Room to explore how co-creation has been used to build a robust Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions in Asia!

Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator at CUGH2024: Sharing cross-country lessons on using co-creation to strengthen health policy and systems research
Health Systems Strengthening Accelerator at CUGH2024: Sharing cross-country lessons on using co-creation to strengthen health policy and systems research

Join us on March 9th in the Santa Barbara Room to explore how co-creation has been used to build a robust Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions in Asia! Health Policy and Systems Research Institutions (“HPSRIs”) need robust capacities, but what this entails in practice is less obvious. Results for Development will share: a vision for a robust HPSR ecosystem in Asia and reflections on the importance of co-creation; Indonesia’s HPSRIs, the interconnections they have within the ecosystem; mapping HPSRIs in Asia through a database. A Philippine framework for assessing HPSRI capacities and how it informs national policy development; and […]

Local Organizations Collaborate to Strengthen Health Policy and Research in the Asia Region
Local Organizations Collaborate to Strengthen Health Policy and Research in the Asia Region

A country’s perceived global standing is tied to various factors, from its strength in the military and economic spheres to the quality of life experienced by its residents.

Local Organizations Collaborate to Strengthen Health Policy and Research in the Asia Region
Co-creator spotlight
Co-creator spotlight

NEWS Co-Creator Spotlights Get to know and connect with other participants. Meet Shita Listya Dewi Center for Health Policy and Management, Faculty of Medicine, Public Health and Nursing, Universitas Gadjah Mada I’m connected/have been connected with: The Alliance, WHO, JLN, ANHSS, Health Systems Global, APO, Flagship Course—Global, Equity Initiative Fellowship Program, Nossal Institute—direct country engagement, Nossal Institute and UNICEF MOOC. Seeking to share experience with: Establishing and maintaining partnership with local government, and developing collaborations across research institutes and civil society… I’d be interested in learning more about: Engaging with media, networking with global HSPRI. My hobbies and passions: I […]